I was going to write about my Memorial Day weekend, but there wasn't anything exciting to write about. Had I been white-water rafting in Pennsylvania like my colleague, it would have been a much better experience. Instead my Memorial Day weekend involved the dull activities of driving to the airports twice, and driving a truck carrying furniture. I must say it was fun driving a truck. The truck was a full package, involving heavy lifting, loading/unloading and assembling. I didn't even get a chance to mow the lawn (which, believe it or not, I enjoy doing) as I was too busy cleaning the garage. There were some fun activities though, like playing football, BBQ, and watching X-Men.
X-Men would have been the topic of this blog if Max hadn't asked me not to do so. Conveniently, Max is on vacation and his blog, http://arenamaximus.blogspot.com/, will not be getting updated very soon. This is really frustrating as I needed to get my anger out after watching that movie. I was really disappointed by it. If you haven't seen it, I would say go rent X-2 again and have a fun night at home.
Since I finished college and started work, vacations have been scarce. This 3-day weekend was a big thing to look forward to for so long and its a shame that it passed so quickly. There wouldn't be much that would be memorable about this Memorial Day weekend. Lets hope Independence Day is better.
I liked X3, though i never saw the first one. It was comparable to X2. However, to be honest I dont remember much from that movie lol. X3 was a pretty good "super hero" film. Usually ,I dont care much for them. Of course, I REALLY liked batman begins; you know i'll always be a fan of batman. ;) Look i commented, so you can stop giving me the guilt trip. lol
Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 9:20 PM
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